Sibshops provide siblings of kids with disabilities with peer support and information in a lively, recreational setting. At Sibshops kids will,
Meet other sibs (usually for the first time).
Have fun!
Talk about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sib with support needs with others who “get it”.
Play some great games!
Explore how other siblings handle sticky situations sometimes faced by sibs.
Learn about the services their brothers and sister receive.
Have some more fun!​​
This program is led by Sibshops Facilitator
Abby DiPasquale, MPH, MCHES.
AOEC Brunswick
675 Old Portland Rd, Brunswick, ME
March 28th, 4pm - 5pm at AOEC Brunswick
April 16th, 4pm - 5pm on Zoom
May 23rd, 4pm - 5pm at AOEC Brunswick
This program provides a safe, supportive space for siblings of kids with disabilities to connect, share experiences, and form lasting friendships. Join us for laughter, fun, and the chance to bond with other kids who truly "get it." It’s all about building friendships, sharing experiences, and having a great time together.
This program is open to siblings ages 6–12
Please feel free to share the flyer to other families who may be interested!​